Multiblog Bug Fix Redux
In my haste, I failed to see the error in my logic. I also was led astray by poor white space formatting. Basically, I turned this
<$mt:EntryDate format="%A, %e %B %Y"$>
into this
<$mt:EntryDate format="%A, %e %B %Y"$>
when what I wanted was this (</mt:Else>s omitted)
<$mt:EntryDate format="%A, %e %B %Y"$>
Here’s everything together.
<$mt:EntryDate format="%A, %e %B %Y"$>
<$mt:EntryDate format="%A, %e %B %Y"$>
<$mt:Include module="Entry Header"$> <$mt:Include module="Entry Body"$> <$mt:Include module="squidbits Entry Footer"$> <$mt:Var name="bits_offset" op="+" value="1" setvar="bits_offset"$>
<$mt:Var name="inbits" value="false"$>
<$mt:Include module="Entry Header"$>
<$mt:EntryDate format="%Y/%m/"$>
<$mt:Var name="blog_offset" op="+" value="1" setvar="blog_offset"$>
<$mt:EntryDate format="%Y%m%d%H%M%S"$>
<$mt:Var name="CompareBlogEntryCreatedDate" value="$DateHolder"$>
<$mt:Var name="OutputEntries" op="+" value="1" setvar="OutputEntries"$>
<$mt:Var name="inbits" value="false"$>
<$mt:EntryDate format="%A, %e %B %Y"$>
<$mt:Include module="Entry Body"$> <$mt:Include module="Entry Footer"$>