Empirical Evidence
An astute observer of human motivation and desires, Sigmund Freud noted
Unreal as McCain's facial expressions were during the course of and, especially, after the third and final presidential debate, they are all too legible as evidence of a psychological disposition incapable of managing self-presentation.1 Not that we don't all make odd facial expressions, but for a Presidential candidate to do so in a national venue with an international audience does not inspire confidence. Most importantly, McCain's facial expressions speak volumes about his feelings regarding his role in US politics. I leave it to the reader to decide what these facial expressions mean given that Senator McCain made them in the full knowledge that voters were watching him in order to determine his fitness to be Commander in Chief and the head of the US Executive.2

From the Monday, October 27th episode of The Colbert Report, John McCain as Igor (click on "Igor" for screenshot).
Posted by: mandy | October 30, 2008 3:57 AM