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Not No Renaissance Scholar

I’m overdue for a post, especially considering that two posts ago I made the silly error of taking “wherefore art” to mean “where are” as opposed to “why are.” The question Juliet asks

O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? (2.2.33)

is, of course, much more interesting than a query about location. Juliet’s question is the start of a profound meditation regarding the conflict inherent in the specific identity of the person with whom she has fallen in love and the familial network that claims that person’s filial allegiance.

It’s no less than I deserve for so glib and offhanded a parody of great literature.1

1 Thanks to John Gruber for clarifying this in his own correction to a previous post of his own.
Work Cited
Shakespeare, William. The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1974.