Lookin' for organs in all the wrong places . . .
My organ-machine needs a new body . I think he wants yours .
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My organ-machine needs a new body . I think he wants yours .
This remix advert stuns me
not only because the music, dancing, and digital superimposition are jaw-drop-on-the-floor amazing, but also because of the complex relationship between music and moving image which produces an irrevocable heartbreaking nostalgia.
In this remix, the moment Kelly understands rain is not a retardant of but an attendant to his joy, the in-this-era-quaint tones of the original electronically downshift in pitch and what we remember of Kellys classic virtuoso performance is performatively and digitally transformed into a fluid dexterity characteristic of street dance. The effect is vertiginous and breathtaking and sets us up only too well for the intense disappointment that arrives when Kellys avatar and we see the object toward which this ad inexorably moves.
The remix stages the interruption of a reverie which transpires in the space between a forward-looking present and an idealized and unattainable past. Incongruously, what interrupts this reverie is the insectoid carapace of yet another automobile .
The terminal and insensate assertion of brand identity will shock few of us, even as the remix encourages us to forge a metonymic link between the complex emotions evoked by the undeniably masterful interpretation of Kellys performance and a metal-and-plastic consumer object. What remains is a trauma that seeks to undo itself by repeating the circumstances of its initiation: one watches again and again the cycle of recognition, transformation, delight, and disappointment.
Over at Slashdot a thread regarding the submission of a junk science fiction novel to a vanity publisher winds its way to the Sokal Affair, the Spring/Summer 1996 publication by Social Text of Alan Sokals Transgressing the Boundaries: Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity.
This debate comes up frequently enough (especially among the science types over at Slashdot) that I composed a response to speak within what I believe to be some of the silences that persist in this debate, especially in popular media characterizations of the Sokal Affair on the Web. The following is a slightly modified version of my Slashdot post regarding the Sokal Affair .
Sokals hoodwinking of the editors and readers of Social Text is more complicated than the real split between what C. P. Snow termed The Two Cultures of humanites and science. The issue is in fact complicated enough that it does not compress into anything nearly attractive as the sensational claim that postmodern intellectuals don't know their anuses from a hole in the ground. Still, Im going to try to point out ways that the popular reading of the Sokal Affair ignores some important features of the events which led to the publication of Sokals article as well as some important questions regarding the final signficance of the debate.
To start, one of the features regarding Sokals hoax and also glaringly absent* from the wikipedia entry regarding the Sokal Affair is the initial efforts by Social Texts editorial board to have Sokal revise his article. Andrew Ross and Bruce Robbins respond to Sokals hoax in a subsequent issue of Lingua Franca (news of Sokals hoax was published in May/June 1996 and Ross and Robbins response in July/August 1996). That response does not seem to be available on the web, but from what I remember it details the dodgy back-and-forth of Sokal and Social Texts editors about publishing the article. Sokal refused to conduct any of the revisions and so the editors of Social Textperhaps a touch too eager to have a scientist speak on matters normally of interest only to postmodern humanities scholarspublished the article without revisions. As Jack Slater would say: Big mistake .
In other words, the editors of Social Text smelled that the fish was bad, but ate it anyway. It wasn't so much that the article was considered a good one as much as the editors wanted the prestige of publishing a credentialed scientists views regarding postmodernism, even if those views were a bit cranky.
The issue becomes much more complicated than Sokals cheer of egg on your face circulated by the popular media (especially the web). For one, the editors of Social Text to this day maintain that Sokals article does in fact have some good points, especially to the extent that it raises problems of authority and validity regarding how disciplines like science produce what is taken as knowledge and fact.
Some of Robbins articles regarding the aftermath are available on the web, such as his On Being Hoaxed and a later article entitled Anatomy of a Hoax . Both were originally published in Tikkun, an online journal.
The real points of this Sokal affair, in my opinion, are 1) a bad editorial decision was made by editors of a humanities journal, 2) Sokals unethical trick is now enshrined and will probably be his greatest claim to fame as a "physicist," and 3) the primary tenets of postmodernism remain unchanged because it is too easy to see how culture and dogma shape what people perceive as truth, something that is true not only in religion, philosophy, and cultural studies, but also to some extent in the sciences.
A final real question which tends to get ignored is what would have happened if Sokal had waited a year or two before revealing his hoax. Would a humanities academic have given the lie to the nonsense? Im guessing the answer is yes, but given the tendency to cull a quick headline from a very complicated series of events, such a question and many others simply get ignored.
*A reply by pilkul points out that I was just plain wrong about the glaringly absent part.