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Monday, 12 July 2004

Jig's up.

After a run and breakfast, I booted varmint and noticed that there were 83769 tracks left to be downloaded before the iTunes Music Service had delivered 100 million 200 thousand tracks. My iTunes 100K Countdown widget continues to work, but for no reason I can see. (UPDATE: As of 3:10 pm EST, the iTunes 100K Countdown Widget no longer works.) :(

“Kevin Britten of Hays, Kansas [who] downloaded Somersault (Dangermouse remix) by Zero7,” is the lucky devil who downloaded song 100 million. Congrats to him, though he probably won’t even give me any credit for using my widget.

I’m not bitter.

Saturday, 03 July 2004

iTunes Music Service Countdown

If you own a Mac and use iTunes, you probably know that  Apple is giving away  50 "special" 20GB iPod to those who download each of the 100,000th songs between the 95th million and 100th million downloaded songs. The one who downloads number 100 million will receive a 17-inch PowerBook, a 10,000-song iTMS gift certificate, and a 40GB iPod.

If you use  Konfabulator  and have checked out the  Widgets Gallery  since Friday (2 July), you probably know that  Jedda Wignall  wrote a nifty Widget named "The iTunes Story."  Jedda's Widget  basically displays the number of songs which have been downloaded from the iTunes Music Service (as available on  Apple's home page ).

I like Jedda's Widget, but I really couldn't parse the 8-digit number to figure out when to download a chance for an iPod. So, I added a switch to the code, changed the variable assignments, and did some tweaking to the graphics. The result is my  "The iTunes 100K Countdown Widget" .

UPDATE: Scott Collins offered a bit of code which made use of the modulo operator, thereby replacing a huge nested if statement. Many thanks to him. The updated widget has been uploaded to the Widget Gallery, but until it appears there, you can get it by  clicking here .

Happy downloading!

P. S. If you get lucky while using my Widget, I'd love to get an email from you. If you get really lucky, maybe consider me for Bjö;rk's  Gling-Gló&nbsp?

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